The Legionnaires
by EQ-Raiders
- Use the items from the previous encounter to dismiss 2 of the 5.
- There is more than one way to do this fight. We choose to banish the Templar and Assassin.
- The 3 mobs left will need to be tanked away from each other.
- Choose your areas and have one group tank the troubadour, another group tank the Paladin, and two groups on the Wizard.

- On pull it is crucial that the mobs and the groups tanking them stay away from each other as there will be aoe curses from each mob. Avoid 2 mobs getting stuck on one tank.
- If someone is hit by 2 different curses (overlapping) the raid will soon blow up.
- Make sure the Templar and Assassin get banished asap after pull.

- The Troubadour and Paladin can occasionally hit hard, but nothing special
- The Wizard will root himself in a Red Circle every 30 secs that will kill people if they do not move out of it.
- A tank should stay in the circle and stoneskin or death prevent the damage. If you leave him rooted without a tank, there is a chance he can cycle through the raid and curse someone in another group which would cause an overlap. Note: If your tank doesn’t have enough saves to do this I would recommend 2 tanks and swapping them on him.
- Once the Wizard is dead his curses drop and you can move to help kill the Paladin and Troubador one at a time in any order.

- Remember: You will need to dispel all these mobs to drop their stoneskin effect.
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roxxar 02-15-2014, 12:50 PM

Does anyone know, if the loot is different when dismissing different legionaires?

EQ-Raiders 01-26-2014, 04:44 AM

Strategy Updated. Thanks to Bitsy of Antonia Bayle for the information.

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