Sacrificer Buran
by EQ-Raiders
Burn named.
Will spawn adds at 75%, which must be Offtanked for a while.
When killed, they will buff the named.
Will randomly port 3 people to the pools + lower platform throughout the fight, and spawn little heroic adds that can just be killed by raid.
Burn named down to 15%(ish), burn adds, kill Named.
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Cheesy 12-21-2013, 02:08 AM

Strat -
Burn named.
Will spawn adds at 75%, which must be Offtanked for a while.
When killed, they will buff the named.
Will randomly port 3 people to the pools + lower platform throughout the fight, and spawn little heroic adds that can just be killed by raid.
Burn named down to 15%(ish), burn adds, kill Named.

Kraerefru 12-19-2013, 11:16 AM

Fight the name on the same platform he is on. He spawns three adds. Bloodmaster, effigy of youth and effigy of beauty sometime into the fight. (75%?).
Bloodmaster has to be killed asap. During the fight a raider will be ported in one of blood pools or down the ramp spawning a blood sacrificer. Up to three raiders at a time. Bring them to raid. Kill them asap. If they stay too long it's a fail condition. Keep fighting the name. When he is down to 15 or 10% switch to effigies. If you kill them too early Buran gets buffed. I think a damage increase and something else. Sorry. Can't remember.

Finish the name.

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