Matri Marn
by Cheesy
Marn will spawn Pools on the ground which must be avoided. At 75%, named stoneskins, and spawns 3 adds. Yurit, Kyris and Badum.

Yurit is a healer, and if able to cast, will cast a very large heal with no cast bar. Yurit must be mezzed/stunned at ALL times.

Kryis must be killed by DPS, then Banum, then Yurit (I do believe you can mez/stun Kyris too, but easier to just burn them first.

After these 3 die, burn named more.

After 50% Marn will begin casting an uncurable trauma on random raid members, which will allow them to damage a Healing Totem that pops. This totem must be killed to stop it from healing the name.

At 25% Marn will spawn another large add that must be killed quickly.

Extra Info - Marn will debuff your raids Ability Reuse by 33%.
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Steenbo 05-07-2014, 04:50 PM

Thanks for the tip on the ranged wand attack and the banner. After going through my logs this morning I found the reason. Been awhile since we've had to worry about mezzing mobs that I didn't even think about gear procs. I'm an idiot, lol

Demilitch 05-07-2014, 11:39 AM

Singular focus on and forced melee on. Range wand attacks can AE Auto and break mez. Also, do NOT use a soulquench banner during this fight. When we tried that, it broke mez every time. Lastly, LOOK and see who it says is breaking the mez. This is not bugged, if mez is being broken, someone is doing it.

Steenbo 05-07-2014, 04:46 AM

My raid force is having trouble with this mob. Despite all swearing they have singular focus on and no one is aoeing, the mez on Yurit keeps getting broken. So frustrating.

Demilitch 01-14-2014, 11:10 PM

Yes the golem add spawns at 25% and the instant it dies, the healing totems start spawning. The golem mem wipes and puts a detriment on the person tanking it making them take more and more damage the longer they tank it. Save all your big burn for the golem and kill it as fast as possible. The only time I noticed the AE is if you try and tank the golem too close to Matri. Grab him and pull him to the opposite side of the room away from her.

shaneer 01-14-2014, 10:54 PM

When mob spawned at 25% he hit a massive aoe , is it distance based

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