by EQ-Raiders
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Quijana 01-23-2014, 03:44 AM

The adds are called "an idol of fire".

Drax 01-13-2014, 04:33 AM

Quote Originally Posted by aquareflections View Post
Serene symbol is the only thing we've found to remove Talisman of Flames.
I get the strange feeling this is because it's a "beneficial elemental" effect on the named, and as far as I know Serene Symbol is the only dispel any class gets that removes beneficial elemental effects.

terlizzi999 01-10-2014, 08:08 PM

Quote Originally Posted by aquareflections View Post
Was just checking timers on Flame Wrought. Seems to be anywhere from 35-55 second recast on it.

Serene symbol is the only thing we've found to remove Talisman of Flames.

2 adds pop periodically through the fight. Burn em to avoid the increments. We've been having some trouble maintaining control on the them, though. not sure if that's a mechanic of the fight or if we just need to get better control on them first.

Be warned, clerics will not proc heals from the constant damage tick occurring during the fight. Make sure they know going in that they'll be spamming group heal every chance they get.
Yeah had to cycle everything I had on my temp to deal with it...really wish they'd fix reactives to work better on damage like that but been in game since release.

We worked on this fight for 2 raid nights and finally got him biggest thing we found for us was placing a third healer for the off tank group for stability (not sure if that would work for you) that and rest of the raid making sure they joust or ae prevent for flame wrought made it a lot better for stability but yeah players were taking a pounding if not careful.

Also noticed that flame wrought and talisman of flame can be cast either back to back with .5 sec difference or at same time its rare but happens and sometimes you'll only see one of them being cast. Might be a bug.

aquareflections 01-10-2014, 07:11 PM

Was just checking timers on Flame Wrought. Seems to be anywhere from 35-55 second recast on it.

Serene symbol is the only thing we've found to remove Talisman of Flames.

2 adds pop periodically through the fight. Burn em to avoid the increments. We've been having some trouble maintaining control on the them, though. not sure if that's a mechanic of the fight or if we just need to get better control on them first.

Be warned, clerics will not proc heals from the constant damage tick occurring during the fight. Make sure they know going in that they'll be spamming group heal every chance they get.

terlizzi999 01-10-2014, 08:24 AM

We tanked the named midway on the ramp to the right of his position and had the main tank group stay on Sontalak the whole time while the rest of the raid dealt with the pair of adds that spawned.

Flame Wrought aoe was ae preventable and used alternating tortoise shell/equilibrium for the main group while the raid either jousted out or stayed 20 meters away from named to minimize spike damage/deaths.

Had the warden in MT group dispel Talisman of Flame from the named (tried using absorb magic from a mage but didn't work) when it was up. Looks like if the Talisman of Flame is not dispelled, the name will cast Scorched Earth as a fail condition.

Adds place an incremental debuff on off tank and those around him though when you kill one an increment drops.

I'll dig through and get the rough timers on Flame Wrought and Talisman and adds (looks like the adds pop about 15-20 second into pull).

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