Derig Cinderaxe
by EQ-Raiders
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Demilitch 09-17-2014, 06:55 PM

After many many kills, while this is a DPS heavy encounter, the positioning of the mobs will control how much DPS you need to win. If your tanks are good at jousting to and from the wall to avoid the knockback, you can maximize flank exposure of the adds to the raid. 30millionish DPS is enough if you can keep them all together. If you cannot, you are going to need much closer to 40 million to win. Also, if your raid cannot click quickly and stop the trial every time, you are going to have problems. Derig is stoneskinned until the trial is interrupted.

druidz75 09-17-2014, 06:20 PM

definately a dps fight

EQ-Raiders 07-28-2014, 08:49 AM

You want to have your raid at 4 meters from the mob. Too close or too far away and you will take additional damage that only your tanks will be able to handle. Will post a full walk through shortly.

Demilitch 07-27-2014, 01:32 AM

Just an FYI here as well.. 35 million raidwide dps is NOT enough to kill this encounter. 40 million is barely enough.

Luzion 07-16-2014, 11:30 PM

This mob has 2 major parts, 1st part is the 3 adds that spawn, have a tank round them up and pull them on top of derig and burn them down, 2nd part and most important is the trial that must be interrupted (right click interrupt trial) he does not take damage at this point and alot of missed dps. A note is the tank begins losing CC during this fight so it will be somewhat timed

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