by EQ-Raiders
Torrent can be blocked but is also ranged based. If you are out atleast 25+ meters it hits much less.

When he drops the black circle just move your raid and him away from it. Best to keep him tanked in the same vicinity as his spawn. Just move left and right and avoid it like a red text joust.

The pillars are each of the 4 fire totems in the room. They are coded to specific detriment. 4 people in your raid get either an elemental, arcane, noxious or trauma effect on them. You should be able to see the effects on the people in the raid window. All except for the trauma one because everyone has a incurable trauma on them. For this reason people need to watch their detriments. Now, those people need to move to the appropriate location and RIGHT CLICK the fire inside the totem and select the option. DO NOT double click because it will fail.

The layout looks like this. I even color coded it.

The abilities that hit are as follows:

Wandering Mind = Arcane Detriment
Deteriorating Funk = Trauma Detriment
Burning Skin = Elemental Detriment
Slime Spray = Noxious Detriment

You can make a ACT or Raid Hub trigger for these and the game text is

Wandering Mind confounds YOU
Deteriorating Funk hits YOU
Burning Skin hits YOU
Slime Spray hits YOU

That is pretty much it.

Strike of the First and Draconic Torrent are both on 37 second timers but they also can be Traumatic Swiped. So make sure you are always getting swipe in to space out the AOE's better.
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EQ-Raiders 08-01-2014, 01:29 AM

Good. Grats on the kill.

Demilitch 07-31-2014, 01:18 PM

This is the confusing part. I cannot find it in the logs but it worked. All but the trauma one and I am betting its a syntax thing. Regardless, we killed him. When you get a detriment that has to be cured by an orb, its not a mad dash to get it done. You have plenty of time to do it so coordinate to make sure too many of the wrong class do not leave at the same time. Also, people who have their game settings to single click mouse will cause issues for you on this encounter. Thank you for sharing the information.

EQ-Raiders 07-31-2014, 05:41 AM

Not sure. I can see it. Works fine in Raid Hub. The easiest thing is to just look at your effects window. If you get the noxious, you will noxious on you. If you get the arcane you will have arcane on you and so on and so forth. Hardest would be the trauma like i said because everyone has a trauma on them.

Demilitch 07-31-2014, 01:07 AM

Maybe its just me, but none of these show up in my logs.

Wandering Mind confounds YOU
Deteriorating Funk hits YOU
Burning Skin hits YOU
Slime Spray hits YOU

I had funk on me twice and it shows nowhere in the logs.
Merged Post
Maybe its just me, but none of these show up in my logs.

Wandering Mind confounds YOU
Deteriorating Funk hits YOU
Burning Skin hits YOU
Slime Spray hits YOU

I had funk on me twice and it shows nowhere in the logs.

EQ-Raiders 07-28-2014, 08:41 AM

Torrent can be blocked but is also ranged based. If you are out atleast 15+ meters it hits much less.

When he drops the black circle just move your raid and him away from it. Best to keep him tanked in the same vicinity as his spawn. Just move left and right and avoid it like a red text joust.

The pillars are each of the 4 fire totems in the room. They are coded to specific detriment. 4 people in your raid get either an elemental, arcane, noxious or trauma effect on them. You should be able to see the effects on the people in the raid window. All except for the trauma one because everyone has a incurable trauma on them. For this reason people need to watch their detriments. Now, those people need to move to the appropriate location and RIGHT CLICK the fire inside the totem and select the option. DO NOT double click because it will fail.

The layout looks like this. I even color coded it.

The abilities that hit are as follows:

Wandering Mind = Arcane Detriment
Deteriorating Funk = Trauma Detriment
Burning Skin = Elemental Detriment
Slime Spray = Noxious Detriment

You can make a ACT or Raid Hub trigger for these and the game text is

Wandering Mind confounds YOU
Deteriorating Funk hits YOU
Burning Skin hits YOU
Slime Spray hits YOU

That is pretty much it.

Strike of the First and Draconic Torrent are both on 37 second timers but they also can be Traumatic Swiped. So make sure you are always getting swipe in to space out the AOE's better.