Zlandicar the Unnatural
by EQ-Raiders
It should be noted right off the bat that during this encounter you are granted the ability to run and cast abilities 100% of the time.

Zlandicar is a pretty straight forward encounter but it requires a hefty amount of DPS for your raid. Expect at the very least a 15-20 minute pull each time depending on your raid makeup.

When you first see Zlandicar you will notice he is standing amongst piles of bones. During the raid encounter he will begin to consume these bones. He will consume these bones every certain percent of his health (95%, 75%, 50% and 30%) You will see a message appear that it would be unwise to interrupt him during this period. What this message means is you need to slow your DPS down so that you do not do more than 5% additional damage while he is feeding. You can DPS him but just ease off and do NOT perform more than 5% additional damage when he begins feeding or bad things will happen.

Zlandicar has three main AOE's which hit the same regardless of where you are in his room. These AOE's must be swiped to get their recast times jumbled up better because the last thing you want is these AOE's hitting regularly back to back. They hit pretty hard if they stack on eachother. Occasionally they will overlap so you need to be paying attention on those recast timers. Quick cures on the noxious AOE's when they hit because the tick fast and hard.

Zlandicar must be fought in the middle of the room where his piles of bones are located. While the fight progresses groups of three bone adds will spawn around the room. You are going to want plenty of in-combat run speed buffs and adornments for this part. Mobs will spawn practically in every corner of this room (N,S,E,W) and slowly make their way to Zlandicar. You will more than likely need to have one group or possibly two on Zlandicar at all times while two groups patrol the North and South sides of the room. The North side of the room since its closer to Zlandicar may want to have higher DPS makeups because those adds are so much closer potentially to Zlandicar than mobs that would spawn near the south side of the room. You still need big dps though regardless.

You may need to have one or two people calling out on each side to help direct groups to where adds are spawning.

If you manage to get Zlandicar to the coveted 30% and he begins eating the final stash of bones you will want your raid to try to get him to about 26-27% health and hold it there while your groups kill any remaining bone adds that may still be up. Once they are dead your entire raid should head back to Zlandicar and begin the final onslaught.

Once Zlandicar hits 25% health he will summon all corners of bone adds at once including the piles of bones along the outer edge of the room as well. Your raid must kill Zlandicar before all of these adds reach him. This is roughly 60 seconds. It sounds like you have plenty of time but Zlandicar will heal if people die and he will also stoneskin attacks during this time. It's not an easy task. His AOE's will also increase in potency at this time as well so your healers need to be johnny on the spot when it hits 25%.

Bring enough DPS to Zlandicar to handle that final 25% and you will have yourself quite a nice accomplishment.

Good Luck
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