OK thanks for the tip
We usually split the raid in two and place ourselves to the opposite corner behind the two dragon
Work well but sometimes we simply can't do a things, can't make a map right now ( I'm on my phone)
This is how we position to try and keep the tanks from swapping hate and getting summoned.
Red: Fire Dragon
Light Blue: Ice Dragon
Magenta: Fire Dragon tank
Black: Ice Dragon Tank
Green: Primary raid force
Dark Blue: Ice Dragon tanks healers
OK thanks, that what they already do but It was surely bad luck like you said
Make sure your tanks are NOT using group or aoe taunts. Single target only, at least in the beginning of the fight. Sometimes its just bad luck, but what I just said usually does the trick.
Just a little question:
sometimes the named keep on teleporting the tank on them , sometimes they don't.
we always use the same tanking spot.
Is there anythings we don't always do to prevent this ?