Draazak the Ancient
by EQ-Raiders
First thing to know about this fight is that it is a timed encounter. Your raid has 4 minutes and 20 seconds to complete this fight.

You will want your raid to stack up right next to Draazak. Drazzak will have a number of little adds that will spawn throughout this encounter. You will want to take a chapter out of the Drinal encounter playbook for this one and just off tank these adds. Don't even bother with them.

Shortly after you engage Draazak there will be one specific mob that will spawn somewhere on this island. The mob's name is: An Ethereal Charger

You will want to have someone with tracking abilities run around this island until they see this mob. They will want to smack the mob from ranged and pull it back to the raid. You may need to designate one healer to run around with this person because of Draazak's AOE's.

When the Charger mob dies it will drop a chest that will have a crystal in it, much like the Sullon Zek encounter. You will want your Charger pulling people to get away from the raid and begin looking for the next charger before you have someone loot the crystal and click it. If they are still near the raid they will have a detriment placed on them that will make it harder to go run around and grab the Charger mobs.

When you click the crystal Draazak's stoneskin will drop and your raid can begin to dps Draazak. This effect only lasts for about 20 seconds. So, if your Charger people can grab adds quick enough you can keep Draazak's stoneskin permanently disabled.

There are also curses that will be placed on members of your raid. There is one cureable curse and one uncureable. The uncureable curse increases damage to person it is on. If that person dies it will spread to others nearest to them, which will probably be your whole raid. The cureable curse is a massive power drain. So just cure that as soon as possible.

Handle the adds, click the crystals, dps the dragon and manage the curses. That will win you this fight.
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Demilitch 08-08-2014, 06:50 PM

What are the items used to spawn him?

Leigionnare dust
Emperor item
Grendish heart..
Is that all?

EQ-Raiders 06-22-2014, 06:12 AM

Information updated. Thanks!

EQ-Raiders 04-04-2014, 09:35 PM

Anyone willing to share some information on this encounter?

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