Teraradus The Gorer
by Drof
First named in Zavith'Loa.
Teraradus The Gorer is the first raid encounter in Altar of Malice and as such its rather simplistic.

Tank and spank mob for the most part.

Has a Red letter text joust that is triggered from the incremental buffs that he gets while you are attacking him. Once it reaches 10 a "Red Letter" message will pop up to joust away (approx 25 meters).

He also mem-wipes every 10%.

Good Luck
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xaiveir 01-08-2015, 10:40 PM

The mem wipe happens at 90%, then every 20% (70,50,30,10).

EQ-Raiders 12-22-2014, 12:19 AM

Thanks for clarifying. Never really paid attention to the increments on him. Turned and burned mainly. I'll update the post and give you credit for first post rights.
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Drof 12-21-2014, 02:05 PM

The Red letter text comes from the buffs that he gets while attacking him. Once it reaches 10, red letter text will pop up to joust. He also memwipes every 10%.

Name of Raid Encounter:
Teraradus The Gorer
Zone of Encounter:
Zavith'Loa: The Molten Pools
Level # of Difficulty:
Approx Hit Points:
Status Reward Amount:
Attack Types:
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