Fabled: The Three Princes
by EQ-Raiders
First thing to know about this encounter is that this encounter is easily beaten by killing the Princes in a certain order. The order typically is Urbaniok, Kulkak and then Strixus.

Small adds will spawn during the encounter that do randomly taunt players. Make sure to have target macro's set up to get back onto your main targets quickly. These adds can just be AOE'd down as their damage is pretty negligible.

You will more than likely have to split your raid up with one group on each prince and then your fourth group starting with the group on the first named that needs to die.

Each Prince has his own special abilities.

Urbaniok (first to die) - Main reason that you kill this encounter first is that he has an ability that you MUST interrupt and he has a huge raid wide debuff AOE. Better to just get this out of the way first. What you are preventing from being cast is the spell 'Justification'. If this is allowed to cast it will one shot most of your raid. The other ability is his Raid wide Trauma debuff that will land on Random targets in your raid. Most classes this will not be a problem because its based on Physical damage. But if you are a scout or tank up near the mob you will either want to back out if you are a scout or if you are a tank pop stoneskins and parry's and possible death prevents. Kill this mob and your chance of success on this encounter greatly improves.

Kulkak - Kulkak is a straight turn and burn but his abilities do hit pretty hard. Only classes with decent enought mitigation and health should be anywhere near this mob.

Strixus - Mob is fairly average damage compared to the other two mobs except for one ability. He will cast an incurable detriment on the group of his main target (so his targeted tank's group). The detriment MUST land on all 6 members for it to take effect. This ability is LINE OF SIGHT dependant, so make sure one member of this group is always out of Strixus' view and the detriment will never go off.

Many of the hard hitting AOE's in this encounter have a pretty limited range of 15 meters. So if you pull the Princes to seperate areas of this map you shouldn't have many overlapping AOE's to worry about. That and if you have a few members of your raid that are extra squishy, just have them stay out beyond 15 meters from any of the named Princes.

Good Luck.
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EQ-Raiders 07-07-2014, 09:31 PM

Strategy Updated

EQ-Raiders 04-04-2014, 09:36 PM

Anyone willing to share some information on this encounter?

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