Fabled: The Mutagenic Outcast
by EQ-Raiders
The Outcast strategy is a pretty straight forward burn fight. Lot's of adds will spawn throughout the fight but your raid will ignore most of them. There is only one type of add that you need to be watchful for during this encounter which is 'a mutagenic spiritswarmer'. These adds must be killed within a certain amount of time (30 seconds?) or they will fully heal the Outcast.

The Outcast does have some decent single target damage for your tank but nothing to wholly worry about if your raid is decently geared in TOV Fabled gear.

Making sure that ghost is killed quickly is your number one priority to get good at. Sometimes the ghosts can spawn almost 2 at a time or within a few seconds of each other so you need to be on the ball with dps.

The second mechanic with this fight is reminiscent of the Avatar of Pestilence scripts. Someone will get an incurable curse placed on them during the encounter called 'Contagion'. This person must then locate a black pool that has spawned somewhere nearby. It will always be in the circular area and never on the walkway. It can spawn under some of the bones in this area as well so you need to locate it quickly. The person with the incurable curse has roughly 10-15 seconds to find this pool and run THROUGH it. Don't stand in it, just run right through it.

Have enough DPS to handle the adds and make sure your raid is finding the pools quickly enough and the Outcast will be yours.
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EQ-Raiders 07-07-2014, 09:09 PM

Sometimes the adds do seemingly spawn in groups of 2, but thats just because they spawned really close together in timing. I've never seen 3-4 adds at once unless your raid is late in targeting them. They don't have a set respawn time so you need someone in your raid just spamming a /target macro looking for them and then make sure everyone is killing them when they spawn. Ignore the other adds and just focus on the ghost.
Merged Post
Strategy updated as well.

kaarkula 07-07-2014, 04:16 AM

been trying this lately.... we have had some good pulls.

But sometimes we get 3-4 ghost adds spawning at once and we can't burn them in time.

How do these adds work exactly? Can't find a pattern that makes sense.

EQ-Raiders 04-04-2014, 09:36 PM

Anyone willing to share some information on this encounter?

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