by Vizshus
There are two parts to this fight. The first part takes place on the south side of the bridge and the second part on the north side of the bridge.

He will cast two abilities, one every 30 seconds. To prevent your raid from dying to them, you will need to kill books. Psychotic books block the Psychocontrapulation AE's at 30/90/150/210 etc, Astral books prevent the SuperMegaNova AE's at 60/120/180/240 etc. After killing a book, everyone within 10-15m of it's death will be immune for 10 seconds.

He will respawn all 4 books every 60 seconds regardless.

One strategy is to burn down one Astral/Psychotic immediately, then kill the second Psychotic around 20s, then the final book around 50s, just leaving everything stacked up.

If your raid lacks our DPS/gear, you can alternatively pull the books away from your raid because they do have some stacking AoE's themselves.

Rinse/repeat down to 50%.

At 50%, the mob will port just like old Fitz!

It will port to the other side where the Drake/Basilisk/Eyeball/Fitz will all activate. Have your most stout tank group grab Basilisk+Drake. Have another tank group grab Fitz, and have a third tank grab the eye. You must interrupt every ability the mobs use on this side. The AOE's hit very hard and you can survive if one or two go off but learn to interrupt each one. The basilisk has a VERY fast casting AOE so make sure you pay special attention with your interrupts on this mob.

Burn the eye. Then pull the Basilisk off the other group, and kill him. Finally, kill the drake. Then your raid kills Fitz.

Fitz will still need to be interrupted throughout all stages of the fight or he will ravage you with Discombobulate.
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Vizshus 07-15-2014, 05:42 PM

Yes there is. Basically the books cast the incurable AoE within ~15 of themselves.

Whichever tank isn't actively tanking Fitz+Books, just have them stand back at ~20m, then once your primary tank gets too many stacks to be able to reliably survive, have your secondary tank come in and AoE snap everything, and your primary tank with the stacks will joust.

We've stopped tank swapping entirely on this encounter, but we did do it for our first kill. I tank it and simply use saves upon getting multiple stacks.

EQ-Raiders 07-12-2014, 07:50 AM

Don't think I've seen that myself.

jordash 07-10-2014, 03:19 PM

Is there anyway to avoid the incurable curse hitting both tanks for stacks of 10

EQ-Raiders 07-09-2014, 05:38 AM

Don't mez them.
Merged Post
Strategy Updated

Drax 07-09-2014, 04:39 AM

Not sure if it was just me, but it seems like some of the books may be able to be mez'd.