Soo, Amorphous Drake time!
The fights actually pretty simple and straight forward, albeit rather challenging simply due to HPS/DPS requirements.
Raid setup requirements -> 5 priests (recommend 6) 2 tanks (3 highly recommended, almost required)
100% -> 50%
HPS ->
The Drake has a noxious AE that it will cast frequently. It's recommended that you use 2 healers per group, or a druid solo healer. We tend to go with a six priest setup, 2/2/1/1. I will get to why it's not good to simply use 8 priests in a moment.
That's really all there is to healing the fight. The AE comes often and hits hard though, so you'll want ~600k hp minimum(450k in channeler groups). 700k is a safer value but out of reach for most if they aren't wearing max health gear (which they shouldn't be).
DPS ->
This is where it gets a bit challenging. Every 10% blobs will spawn. They need to be killed quickly or they will heal the Drake a significant amount. If you fail a blob spawn (say 80%), it will heal from 79%, back up to 8X%, where you will need to pass the 80% check again. The reason you'd want less tanks/priests is to get more damage in raid to pass the checks.
The named also gets increased damage every time you fail an add. Failing an add means you need to do the exact same check again but with increased damage. For this reason I suggest emphasizing the importance of the add check to your raid. This is the only really difficult part of the encounter.
At 90%/80% 1 add will spawn, 70% is 2 adds, 60% is 3 adds. They all have the same health. Use temps at 70%, then the kitchen sink at 60%. If you do it properly, the adds are not a problem even with a mid-tier raid. We alternate which tank is using their AE snaps to get the adds.
50% -> 0%!
Congratulations, you've passed the hard part of the fight. Now it's just a simple tank swap to victory. We have tried this using two tanks and it's really hard. I don't suggest it, but if you can't pass the Drakes DPS check with 3 fighters in raid, you can attempt to clear phase 2 with 2 tanks.
3 tanks -> I will have the tanks named A B C and the mobs named H V (Healthy/Virulent).
First, tank A grabs mob H, tank B grabs mobs V, and separates them ~20 meters apart. The raid stands in between the two mobs. The mobs have damage resistance, Virulent 80% to physical, Healthy 80% to magical. We have always killed the Virulent first.
Your tanks will start to get stacks, as tank B on mob V gets ~4 stacks, tank C will get mob V from tank B, and tank B will rotate to mob H, once tank B has mob H, tank A will rotate from mob H to mob V and take it from tank C, freeing up tank C to take mob H from tank B.
That sounds complicated, I realize. It's really not. Basically your 3 tanks rotate so that no one gets more than 5 stacks of a detriment. Your 3rd tank gets one of the nameds, then you just rotate. When one tank gets the named off you, you run to the other named and get it off whoever is tanking it.
Your stacks need to expire while you are standing by the opposite mob or it's a fail condition. For this reason it's critical communication lines stay clear and NO ONE takes aggro other than the correct tank at the correct time. There is no DPS check on this phase so you can take a while.
Do take note that once the Virulent dies, it is no longer possible to clear detriment stacks from the Healthy mob. You will need to kill it before your tank gets 10 stacks. You can kill them equally to avoid that happening, just take the healthy to ~20% before you kill the Virulent and no raid should have problems dealing with it. We can do it from ~100%, although I don't recommend that for first time kills.
Technically it is possible to double the duration you have to kill it by swapping it between two tanks and having them both get stacked, but this requires extreme coordination because if one is too slow to get their mob it will cause a fail condition.
Summary ->
That's the entire Amorphous Drake strategy. There's nothing particularly difficult about it. It requires less DPS than Irdul/Telk, albeit more concentrated spikes of DPS.
Video -> Vizshus - Amorphous Drake Boxed! - Twitch
That's from both the maintanks perspective and a channeler in maintank group, I had to box it due to some inactives.
If you have any questions I'm around @ 5-9 PM PST Mon-Thurs @
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