Zebrun the Torso
by aquareflections
First Encounter.
Easy fight when you've got the resists and can get everyone to pay attention. The trick here is that without any legs, Zebrun is incredibly slow.

You want to pull this mob to either end of the courtyard as there are going to be some large jousts involved. We pull him just outside the most northern door of his shed and turn him once he's cleared line of sight.

Position the raid south-east of the named at max range, leading off in the direction you're going to be jousting (north/south).

Mob has a buff that increments to 10, dealing more damage as it does. Melee DPS can be in closer until about 5 but after you're really going to need strong heals to keep them up. Not a ton of HP on this guy, so we usually just play it safe. At 10 increments, the mob emotes and can no longer be tanked at it will deathtouch anyone with agg in range. Also, radiating damage of Decomposing Stench is hitting at its hardest.

To avoid this, have the raid joust to the opposite end of the courtyard. At 10 increments, there is an emote, and the mob CANNOT be tanked. Shortly after, a debuff comes in on the raid called Running Scared. It deals damage based on the distance you are from where you were when it landed on you.

To master the joust, the trick here is waiting until 9, not 10. At 9, have the entire raid force joust as far due south as they can get, maintaining formation as they go. When the emote comes in about reaching 10, STOP!

Trigger to call raid stop (also the trigger for when tanks cannot hold the named):
<Trigger R="WATCHOUT! Zebrun" SD="STOP" ST="3" CR="F" C="AoM: Castle Highhold: No Quarter" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

You still have a few seconds until Running Scared lands, so MT should use this time to continue moving further south, increasing the time it takes for the mob to reach him and also positioning the mob so thats its back is already to the raid force and you're in position for the next joust. When Running Scared hits, everyone should already be in position and the named will probably still be dragging himself along the floor.

The named will green text emote when it is safe to be tanked again but a long enough joust generally provides the time needed. If not, have your tank wait for Running Scarred to drop, then kite the mob around the raid, re-positioning the RAID, not the named, as his slowness makes it difficult to get him where you want him in time.

Repeat moving north/south as needed.
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xaiveir 02-05-2015, 04:42 PM

There is a death limit, I believe its 24 deaths (may be only 20). Once that limit is met, the red text is indeed a wipe.

Drax 02-05-2015, 04:06 AM

Does he have a death count fail condition? During our first pulls on it we got a red text raid-wipe that said:

"Zebron the Torso grows tired of chasing dead bodies and decimates your raid force all at once!"

Haven't gotten a chance to pull him again to watch for a stack of death counters or the like.

slayman 01-13-2015, 04:38 PM

Simple fight raid at 1 spot tank pulls name to around 15 meters from Raid. When Name emotes tank moves name further away to around 20-25 meters in circle at range until he can move name back in Job done.

EQ-Raiders 01-12-2015, 07:55 AM

I like the strategy but I do believe that tanks can still hold the named when the increments hit 10. The thing about the joust is that you can not be closer than 9 meters to the named or it will hit those players with very high ticking damage. Our tank continues to taunt and pull the mob in a circle around our raid and we continue to dps the mob like normal. We only get one instance of the 10 increment joust.

Name of Raid Encounter:
Zebrun the Torso
Zone of Encounter:
Castle Highhold: No Quarter
Level # of Difficulty:
Approx Hit Points:
Status Reward Amount:
Attack Types:
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