Grethah the Frenzied
by Praetorian Combined Rating: 3.0
Final named opponent in High Hold: No Quarter
Grethah is a fairly straight forward fight that is mainly dps focused. One of many DPS checks in the expansion.

First thing to deal with will be the adds that will spawn during points of this match. The spawn times are completely percentage based. Beginning at 90% and every 20% from then on a wave of spiders will drop from the ceiling. You have 30 seconds to kill this wave of adds or another will spawn. The adds will keep spawning if there is even on spider remaining from the previous wave. The new waves spawning are essentially a fail condition because your raid will most likely not kill the second or third waves if you couldnt kill the first wave. So judge your raid force accordingly. If you did not get close to killing the first wave then you need to gear up more.

The second part of this fight is a larvae sack will spawn on the ground about every 30 seconds or so. This sac is unkillable but it will explode about 10 seconds after spawning. So your raid will need to joust between 2 points to keep the sacs far enough apart. You will only need to be about 10 meters from the sac to not get blown up.

Grethah can occasionally hit your tank pretty hard in the last 10% so be sure to keep him alive.

Good Luck.

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Mob Abilities

No Quarter - Moderate Damage AOE - 30 Second Recast.

RaidHub Mob Triggers

Move Trigger for Raid Hub
<ParseTrigger Name="Cocoon Spawn" BroadcastEnabled="True" Pattern="The quivering cocoon gathers near" TimerSeconds="0" DetectionSpeak="move" WarningTTSEnabled="False" />

No Quarter - Attack
<SpellTimer Name="No Quarter" BroadcastEnabled="True" CanSwipe="True" DetectionSpeak="hit" FilterMage="True" FilterPriest="True" FilterScout="True" RemoveSeconds="15" TimerSeconds="30" WarningSpeak="hit ink" />
Name of Raid Encounter:
Grethah the Frenzied
Zone of Encounter:
Castle Highhold: No Quarter
Level # of Difficulty:
Approx Hit Points:
Status Reward Amount:
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