Captain Krasnok
by Praetorian Combined Rating: 3.0
Final named encounter in Brokenskull Bay
This fight has a low death limit before Krasnok will get enraged and wipe your raid. The death limit is around 10-12 deaths.

Captain Krasnok is a fairly straight forward encounter. The first bit of information to understand is the bubbles he spawns and what they do. Captain Krasnok has the curse of the greenmist ability which has the potential of killing anyone it hits. It can be healed through if it hits only a couple people. The bubbles will save you from this. 8 bubbles will spawn on the deck of the ship and there can be only three people per bubble. So you will want to split up your raid force into 8 groups of three people. The easiest way to do this is to just split each group in half. Keep your ranged dps in the farther away bubbles and your tank and their support groups up close. The bubbles come at 5% and every 15% there afterwards. So you will want to time your DPS so that the mob is close to the threshold of casting his curse when new bubbles have just spawned. This way you can dps him down only a few percent and make sure the curse goes off when everyone is inside the bubbles. 10 seconds after the curse is cast it is safe to leave your bubbles, not before.

Once your raid understands the bubble mechanic everything else is pretty easy. There will be adds occasionally that will spawn that can only be killed by Fighters and Scouts. So be sure to have some good melee dps.

Ghost adds will spawn as well periodically throughout the fight as well that must be killed in a certain time frame or they will do bad things to your raid force. There is one ghost add that will spawn that you will NOT kill. That add is Gluttony. Do not kill this mob. Leave him be to despawn on his own.

That is the jest of the fight. Learn the bubbles and DPS the adds properly.

Grats on your loot!
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Mob Abilities

Curse of The Greenmist - Curse ability

RaidHub Mob Triggers

Safe to leave bubble: <ParseTrigger Name="Greenmist" BroadcastEnabled="True" Pattern="Captain Krasnok the Immortal sends out the power of the greenmist" TimerSeconds="10" DetectionTTSEnabled="False" WarningSeconds="1" WarningSpeak="clear" />
Name of Raid Encounter:
Captain Krasnok
Zone of Encounter:
Brokenskull Bay: Fury of the Cursed
Level # of Difficulty:
Approx Hit Points:
Status Reward Amount:
Attack Types:
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