Ritual Keeper V'derin
by Praetorian
First Named
The ritual keeper is a fight that centers around keeping the mob power drained as low as possible. When you start the fight make sure everyone is draining him. The script for this mob starts at 95%. The reason you want to keep him power drained is the mobs main AOE, Rain of Malice, hits harder the more power he has. Rain of Malice 1 is pretty standard. Rain of Malice 2 is survivable but barely. Rain of Malice 3 and 4 means your guild doesn't belong in this zone yet. Keep him power drained. The longer this fight goes the more damage output builds up by the named. For the typical Altar of Malice geared raid guild this fight shouldn't last more than 12-15 minutes.

At 95% the script starts and will repeat every 10% until you kill it. At 95% two epic adds will spawn near where the named roams. While the adds are up the named will take NO damage and his power level is locked. Burn the adds down as quickly as possible so you can resume burning down the named. The timer for Rain of Malice seems to start when the mob hits 95% so be ready. You will have a curse that appears on your tanks. Don't cure it. Just let it expire.

You will have a few cycles of dealing with the adds and rain of malice before the next addition to the fight. Around 75-80% an incurable curse will appear on the person the farthest away from the Ritual Keeper. Seeing as how there is no difference in damage you will want to designate one person to always be the farthest away than the rest of the raid is to the named. This does not have to be a huge distance. Just pile your raid on the named and keep someone at ranged dps. This curse is a cowardice curse and the way to remove it is to just run up and touch the named. This curse does not have a noticeable reuse timer so the person will have to just pay attention to when they get it. They could get it once and then 10 seconds later or it could be 30 seconds later.

Burn the adds down asap to lessen the time you are not burning on the named. Ideally you want the adds down in about 30 seconds to give you enough time to burn on the named.

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Mob Abilities

Rain of Malice - High DMG arcane AOE - 40 Second recast (not swipeable)

Malicious Barrage - Moderate DMG melee AOE - 30 second recast (swipeable)

RaidHub Mob Triggers

(Rain of Malice) - <SpellTimer Name="Rain of Malice I" BroadcastEnabled="True" DetectionSpeak="hit" RemoveSeconds="15" TimerSeconds="40" WarningSeconds="10" WarningSpeak="rain inc" />
Name of Raid Encounter:
Ritual Keeper V'derin
Zone of Encounter:
Ossuary: The Altar of Malice
Level # of Difficulty:
Approx Hit Points:
Status Reward Amount:
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