Crohp the Mighty
by Praetorian Combined Rating: 4.0
This is the first and easiest mob in the zone.
Crohp is the first raid mob for the tier of this expansions raid difficulty. As such he is fairly straight forward as a burn fight. He has two main effects to be mindful of.

The first is that he will increment stacks of power on him based on your overall raids DPS. The amount of stacks he has on him will affect his range on his main AOE which is a joust or die. He will cap his stacks at 2000 which will be equal to about a 80 meter joust out. If the stacks are getting too high, back off your dps to lower his stack count. So, unless you want to be running all over the place during this fight it might be easier for some guilds to just steady burn him with out going too crazy. Granted the fight is not that difficult from every other stand point, this is the one part of the fight that you can control based on your raid.

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Mob Abilities

RaidHub Mob Triggers

(Joust AOE) - <ParseTrigger Name="Joust Away" BroadcastEnabled="True" Pattern="Crohp the Mighty begins to siphon power" TimerSeconds="50" DetectionSpeak="get out" WarningSpeak="ink" />
Name of Raid Encounter:
Crohp the Mighty
Zone of Encounter:
Stygian Threshold: Edge of the Underfoot
Level # of Difficulty:
Approx Hit Points:
Status Reward Amount:
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