The Psionists
by Praetorian
4th encounter in zone.
This encounter is compromised of 4 mobs. All of the mobs will share health so the more AOE dps that you can do to all 4 the quicker this encounter will die.

There are 4 parts to this encounter.

Part 1 is probably the trickiest part of this encounter. These mobs are all casters. So they don't like moving to a point where you can easily get them piled up. You will need to try to get them piled up as well as you possibly can to maximize AOE's.

Part 2. The next thing you will notice about this encounter is the 'Drains' on the wall and the Globule of Water in the center of the room (after you pull the encounter). Basically you will need to designate 4 people, 2 teams of 2 to handle this part of the fight. You need to drain the water globule and deposit the water into any of the drains. You do this by right clicking the globule and then clicking one of the drains (any of them). The globule will increase in size as the fight progresses if you don't drain it quick enough. The catch with this part of the encounter is every time you click the mob to drain the water you will get an increment on you. You can't get too many of these on you. In fact 20 increments seems to be the target before you need to have your other team take over. So, pace yourself on draining on water mob. Keep the mob small in size. Don't let it get too big. Each size of the water mob takes 4 clicks of drains to reduce it's size, 2 drains from 2 people at a time. Call out the team swaps when the increments are getting to 20. The increments will fall off the team that stops clicking after a short while before they should start clicking again.

Part 3. The rest of the raid should be DPS'ing the encounter as much as possible. There will be a golem that will spawn every 45 seconds or so. It needs to be killed right away. If you can't kill the golem fast enough and the next one spawns your raid will explode.

Part 4. The encounter has a component in that any member of the raid (tank or otherwise) that pulls aggro off of any of the main names will instantly die. So assign your tanks a named to hold and keep it. Make sure your tanks do NOT pull aggro off of each other or they will die.

Handle all four components together and you will be successful.

Good Luck.
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Name of Raid Encounter:
The Psionists
Zone of Encounter:
Kralet Penumbra
Level # of Difficulty:
Approx Hit Points:
Status Reward Amount:
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