Should it be done?
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Should it be done?
It seems counter productive now that the final phase is opened.
Considering guilds have made progression-kill based decisions after it was decided, I'd say no.... This has been live for months now.
Done is done. The expansion is so easy its been who could raid first that got the kills. Lets move on and hope next expansion has some challenging content.
It's been complained about in discord this site changes its goal posts and how things are calculated mid expansion by more than one guild. I appreciate you asking for vote up front, but please don't change things just so one guild can move up in rank.
By that logic, it should have never been changed from being separate in the first place... because there were progression-kill based decisions before it was arbitrarily decided.
Does the same line of thinking work for you in the opposite direction, where this change was initially brought on via crying so a guild could retain their rank...? Pretty sure that's what this change resulted in.
It was changed mid expansion so that one guild could move up in rank... so why would this be any different?
It hasnt been requested by one guild. In fact, multiple guilds individuals outside the top 5 requested the change take place. If it was one guild only asking to change it I wouldnt have bothered putting this up. I know how the ranks will look if it goes back to original. It wont change by much. Infact most of the changes are going to be after the top 5 spots.