So, most raid guilds out there should know by now that a special raid mob is being released this with an upcoming update, Roehn Theer. This raid mob has 4 versions. This encounter might have an access requirement on meeting some qualifications in completing previous avatars I am not quite sure. I am still awaiting confirmation on that from Gninja. However, since the top 25 guilds have completed pretty much every instanced avatar and nearly every contested I think its a safe bet that if there is an access requirement that most guilds already qualify.

That being said the event avatars for the year of darkpaw event were unanimously requested to not count towards actual raid progression because they didnt drop actual loot. They only dropped currency that you had to grind out. However, Theer will drop real loot for completing the encounter with 4- Rune Theer dropping items better or equal to Sovereign as well as count towards the endgame flawless buff for characters. So, 4-Rune Theer will be added to the normal raid progression just like any other encounter. 1-3 Rune will count tracking but will not count towards overall ranked progression. So get your raid guilds back in action from your Summer breaks!
